Walkin’… Just One Foot In Front Of The Other.

I have written almost nothing here in the past few weeks. Time really flies when I get myself into a situation where I am always struggling to “take care of things…”and when I have given myself things to take care of that are not really necessary for me to invest my time in at this point…

I am sitting on a plane waiting to take off and go ‘home’ for a week. The morning has felt like absolute chaos dream-like…and I did not even have any really big airport drama. I just didn’t get to sleep until late and then woke up irritatingly early… I got through security etc pretty smooth except I had to throw out a couple of very important items from my suitcase when I realized I was not going to have the time to check one of my bags. Comfort and gift items… Made me sad.

Everything feels worse when I am putting more on my mind and my conscience than I am really comfortable with.

It’s been a few weeks now since I ‘relapsed’ and started spending time with my ex. The good and the bad of the whole thing are there at such polar opposites of the spectrum that I ink I feel like I am walking a tightrope holding one of those poles to balance and the pole has very different but very heavy weight on either end; like a wriggling restless Hulk on one end and a very tightly packed 200lb oversized suitcase on the other… And my most ready reaction is to thank god that “at least they both weight about the same…” Haha. I must laugh at myself…

Well my next couple of posts will expand a little on events of late. I hope you ‘out there’ (and ‘in here’) find them tittillating.

About wonderfulshantelle

Journey To My Wonderful Self

Posted on June 12, 2014, in 12-step, AA, Addiction, Adult Children, Alanon, codependence, emotional abuse, emotional sobriety, Inner child, recovery, Relationship, Uncategorized, withdrawal. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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